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Wordt India de opkomende markt van dit decennium?

Dat India een belangrijke opkomende wereldmacht is, bleek tijdens het recente bezoek van premier Narendra Modi aan de Verenigde Staten, waar hij het Congres toesprak, kopstukken uit het bedrijfsleven ontmoette en dineerde in het Witte Huis.

India’s significance as a rising global power came to light with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent visit to the United States, where he addressed Congress, met with high-profile business leaders and dined at the White House. From our recent travels around the country, we believe indications are pointing in the right direction: Corporate confidence is high, the economy is expanding at a decent clip and technological innovation is leading to new areas of growth.

For a democracy of its size, the country has seen relative political stability over the past 10 years, allowing economic development to be a top priority. While political instability and market volatility may increase in advance of general elections next year, we believe that India is poised for a period of secular growth, fuelled by significant expansion in direct and fixed asset investment.

Below are some key of the key aspects that make India appealing compared with other emerging markets.

  • India will likely become a desirable location for companies looking to diversify their supply chains outside of China.
  • India’s digital transformation and infrastructure boom are helping unlock growth in different areas of the nation’s equity market.
  • With a median age of 29 years1, India has one of the most attractive demographic profiles among the world’s largest economies.

1. As at May 2022. Source: The World Factbook